Chief among them is Sir Hammerlock, a cybernetic hunter with a totally exaggerated English accent and a glass eye (obviously). Claptrap returns as a star performer, and is humorous and lovable in equal measure, but there are plenty of new story characters all of whom have fantastic depth, and do a great deal to bring the Borderlands 2 world to life. The sense of humor and personality that characterized the first game has been retained, in large part via the excellent voice acting. Now though, they are non-player characters, and seeing them as part of the game world does feel a bit odd at first. The Vault Hunters from the original Borderlands do make an appearance in Borderlands 2. Jack has made everyone outside Hyperion into outlaws, including yourself, and it’s very much a case of killing him before he kills you.

Hyperion has taken control of Pandora, and its leader – Handsome Jack – has stolen credit from the original Vault Hunters for both finding The Vault and taking down The Destroyer at the end of the first game. But where one weed has been uprooted, another has taken its place, and Hyperion is that weed. The Atlas Corporation has been put out of business and the Crimson Lance is gone for good. Borderlands 2 begins five years after the events of the original Borderlands.